MAGNET Systems Webinars

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Aptella invites you to access a range of MAGNET Systems on-demand webinars to enable you to keep up to date and productive during the Coronavirus pandemic. 

In place of the face-to-face MAGNET Roadshows that we were running, these virtual events let you work through the material at your own pace and at a time that suits you.

Alternatively, if you’d like to book in a virtual meeting with someone in our team, please fill in your details below and we look forward to talking to you online. 

Continuing Professional Development

All surveying institutes offer 1 point per hour of online training. Please contact your institution for further details as some may have reassessed the requirements around the current conditions.


Topcon Magnet Survey

MAGNET Office Version Breakdowns

Your guide to the Office modules Layout, Survey, Site & Construction

This webinar will guide you through the differences between the various Magnet office versions so you can select the best version for your business requirements.

Duration: 1 hour 17 minutes

Presenters: Graeme Hetet, Cameron Waters

MAGNET Office activations

5 simple steps to unlock productivity

Getting your Magnet Office registrations right is critical to maximise your license utilisation. This webinar will demonstrate the 5 simple steps to make registrations easy

Duration: 48 minutes

Presenters: Cameron Waters, Zoie Close, Graeme Hetet

MAGNET Office PDF Import

Importing PDF’s and vector to raster processing

PDF plans are still king in many industries. Magnet Office provides a quick and accurate workflow to convert these into digital 3D data.

Duration: 47 minutes

Presenters: Cameron Waters, Graeme Hetet

Looking for something else? Browse our other MAGNET resources or book a virtual meeting with a member of our team

Book a virtual meeting

If you would like to discuss your MAGNET licences or learn more about the MAGNET Systems workflow from our team, please fill in your details and a preferred date and time for the meeting and we look forward to talking to you then.

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