Tiny Surveyor Webinar


Access the tiny surveyor on-demand webinar today!

Our 1-hour webinar showcases the benefits and capabilities of this innovative robot

Aptella is here to support you as you research productivity tools during the Coronavirus pandemic. Learn the benefits, features and applications of the Tiny Surveyor pre line marking robot with this on-demand webinar.

Tiny Surveyor is a robotic pre-marker tool that will save you time, increase safety and enable you to mark out road lines automatically. Other applications include Carpark set-out, airport set-out, indoor factory set-out and sports track set-out. With the ability to interface to any GNSS or total station for precise height measurements, the Tiny Surveyor is a versatile and reliable tool that works for eight hours on a single

Duration: 1:17

Presenter: Karl O’Toole

Line Marking robot | Tiny Surveyor
Upload Design
Aerosol Can
Switch Between Autonomous and Manual Mode

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