Do you own one of these older Topcon or Sokkia GNSS receivers?
Topcon GR-5
Topcon HiPer V UHF
Sokkia GRX2 UHF
These systems have reached end of life and critical spare parts will soon be unavailable. Don’t miss the opportunity to trade in these older solutions for $7,000 and get a new Topcon HiPer VR or Sokkia GRX3! Start 2023 with new, leading GNSS solutions that will up your productivity
Works in tougher GPS conditions and tracks all satellite constellations
IMU tilt feature enables storing/staking points in hard-to-reach areas like pit inverts or side of a building
Full maintenance and servicing available (critical parts for older GR-5, V and GRX2 units will soon be unavailable)
Fill in your details and your local team will be in touch to discuss your requirements
Terms and conditions
Trade in offer only applies to Topcon GR-5, Topcon HiPer V and Sokkia GRX2 GNSS models and in conjunction with the purchase of a Topcon HiPer VR or Sokkia GRX3 system.
$7,000 trade in is in Australian Dollars, exclusive of GST.
Systems traded in will be destroyed and cannot be on-sold.
Offer only available between 16th January 2023 and 31st March 2023.