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Biletic’s Excavations saves time and manpower with iDig 2D machine control


iDIg2D machine control system Biletic's Excavations

Billy Biletic, Director, Biletic’s Excavations had been researching the iDig 2D machine control system from Aptella for a few weeks when he came across a Facebook post by Aptella for an iDig 2D machine control system giveaway competition and won the competition with his photo entry.

“When I came across it on Facebook, I started looking into videos and information on other people’s experiences with the system and what the technology can and can’t do,” said Mr Biletic.

“I was impressed by the features of the iDig system.”

Mr Biletic has the iDig 2D machine control system from Aptella installed on his 8t and 5t Caterpillar excavators and has found the iDig and machinery work seamlessly together.

“I have been using the iDig system for work such as house cuts, driveways, graded footpaths, subsoil drainage and stormwater,” said Mr Biletic.

What benefits has Biletic’s Excavations seen since implementing the iDig 2D machine control system from Aptella?

iDIg2D machine control system Biletic's Excavations

The iDig system from Aptella has saved Mr Biletic time and manpower on site, because those jobs that traditionally require two people, now only require one. For example, dual grade sloping footpaths/driveways would usually require an operator and labourer to help set out and take levels, but now that Mr Biletic is using the iDig, this job can now be done with just the machine operator.

“Being able to measure and excavate dual grade slopes, all without leaving the cab, to an accuracy of within 10mm is one of the features that really stood out to me,” said Mr Biletic.

“The tape measure tool is by far my favourite feature – it has been great for measuring distances, depths and slopes.”

The iDig 2D machine control system from Aptella has also increased safety on site for Mr Biletic and his team because when using the iDig, the need for his team members to be close to the heavy machinery to set out and take levels is removed.

“For the business, the iDig system from Aptella has broadened work opportunities, increased accuracy and productivity in terms of the time taken to complete a job which subsequently reduces costs for the client,” said Mr Biletic.

iDIg2D machine control system Biletic's ExcavationsThe importance of service and support

Having great service and support is important to Mr Biletic when buying new technology. He has found that often support is needed not only for the installation but also on an ongoing basis for questions and any obstacles faced in terms of functioning of the system.

“Having a local Aptella team was great when it came to the installation of the iDig 2D machine control system, as they were able to come to site to complete the installation. Whenever I have had any queries Amir Azizi, along with Troy Howard, have been super helpful,” said Mr Biletic.

“I would absolutely recommend the iDig from Aptella, it’s an overall great product and is also very user friendly.”

About Biletic’s Excavations

Biletic’s Excavations has been in operation for about six years and initially focused on residential work, working with various builders, plumbers and electricians. Over time, Biletic’s Excavations has expanded and now mostly specialises in civil projects.

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