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Geographic Calculator

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The Global Coordinate Transformation Tool

The Geographic Calculator is a powerful windows solution for survey, seismic and energy exploration. Available in 32 or 64 bit verisions, this precise transformation software includes a range of tools including:

  • Canadian Dominion Land Survey
  • Land Grid Tools
  • Seismic Survey Conversion tools
  • Area of use tools

With support from the world’s largest geodetic parameter database when GIS professional need consistent and certifiable transformations they choose the Geographic Calculator.

The Geographic Calculator tool provides a single platform for highly accurate coordination transformation of any type of geospatial data.

Key features include:

  • Support for Windows 10 machines and improved installation process
  • XML based coordinate object library
  • Project Manager for data processing, jobs, and workflow management
  • Start Page offering a user-friendly introduction to the key features and functions
  • Administrative Tools to customize the datasource and restrict editing access
  • Unmatched Geoid or Vertical Datum support, including VDatum support
  • Powerful Survey Seismic format support
  • Raster Geo-referencing, Reprojecting, and Vector File Translation Tools
  • The ability to customize and send all or part of your GeoCalc datasource to Global Mapper
  • Esri Extension and powerful CAD support