SIRIUS 3D city model fly through
Capture fantastic 3D data sets that include the textures of vertical structures such as the facades of buildings. This data set was acquired in only 45 min flight!
AscTec Falcon 8 /// Advanced UAV / Drone flight performance
Most advanced professional civil multicopter for industrial inspection, surveying and aerial imaging in general. The patented Octocopter AscTec Falcon 8 with AscTec Trinity is triple redundant and enables adaptive flight control. Fortschrittlichste Multirotortechnologie zur professionellen, zivilen Nutzung: Industrieinspektion, Vermessung von Flächen und Objekten, Thermalinspektion, Monitoring und jegliche Aufnahmen aus der Luft. Der patentierte Oktokopter ist mit AscTec Trinity 3-fach redundant und ermöglicht eine adaptive Steuerung. /// Key features: • Made in Germany. Innovated and manufactured in Germany: We develop and produce hardware and software in-house. • Maximum performance & safety. The redundant propulsion system is very robust and provides stable flight experiences. • Minimum of weight & size. Very precise control. Agility and flexibility even at high speeds.
MAVinci SIRIUS UAS (with audio)
MAVinci SIRIUS UAS – Getting Jobs done when other UAS struggle