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Why switch? Time to competence for new Topcon and MAGNET users


Time to competence is a consideration when switching from any hardware or software brand to another. With MAGNET software and Topcon products being used in universities and TAFE courses across Australia, it’s easy to see that this technology is paving the way of the surveying future.

Yet, for some businesses, the idea of migrating from one brand to another may seem   daunting. However, with Aptella expert training and intuitive Topcon hardware and MAGNET software, there’s nothing to fear.

Topcon + MAGNET work intuitively, making them easy and quick to adopt business-wide

Topcon equipment and MAGNET software have friendly interfaces and are logical and easy to use, and with large, colourful and intuitive icons, it won’t take long for your team to master the workflow and take full advantage of the system’s benefits.

Customised training programs

We have dedicated service and support teams that tailor your training needs to reflect your business requirements. We’ll run customised in-house and in-field training sessions to get everyone up and running in no time, ensuring processes are working effectively, reports are providing the information you need, and workflows are optimally streamlined. We’re always available if you need further training and national support is available Monday to Friday 7.30am to 5pm.

Online tutorials, YouTube training channel and user forum

Aptella has a YouTube Channel containing loads of how-to videos and guides. With new content uploaded regularly, subscribe to gain insights into how to use your Topcon surveying equipment and MAGNET software to maximise productivity and utilisation. We’ve also just released a MAGNET user forum where you can search topics and chat with other users about Topcon and MAGNET usability and functionality.

Aptella support always available via Tokara remote service support and data backups

Through Tokara, Aptella support staff can remotely access field equipment to offer direct user support and ensure you get back to work as quickly as possible, and we provide full business hours user support, whenever and wherever you are.

In addition, the security of your data – reports, measurements, everything – is guaranteed thanks to the capability to synchronise timestamped backups to the cloud, minimising risk and frustration of data loss.

Reports can be run instantly, in-field, ready to send to your office or client immediately. And once mastered, the potential is endless thanks to fast in-field customised reporting capability, remote Tokara in-field service support and ultimate connectivity nationally and internationally. Why wouldn’t you switch?

Aptella helps you build quick user competence with zero disruption to your productivity

We’re the market leader in expertise, training and support for land surveyors and geospatial professionals, providing end-to-end education across a wide range of survey hardware and software. We’ll help you gain the business insights you need, and our records of support history will help to identify potential areas for improvement.

Aptella makes the switch to Topcon and MAGNET simple and streamlined. Rather than disrupting your business productivity, by integrating hardware and software technologies, we’ll ensure your productivity skyrockets. Contact Aptella today at to find out how we can boost your business productivity and profitability through customised training for fast user competence.

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