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NanoMacro Tilt Sensor

The FlatMesh NanoMacro is an extremely high precision and exceptionally stable three axis tilt sensor which reports its measurements through Senceive’s FlatMesh wireless communications network to a FlatMesh Gateway.The FlatMesh NanoMacro is highly robust, has a long battery life, and comes with Near Field Communication (NFC) ™ capability, enabling on the spot interactions with the node.

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Key Benefits

  • No node opening (node integrity, water/dust ingress: IP68 & IP69K)
  • Sleep mode with NFC (Near-field communication): cost benefits and more environmentally conscious than multiple battery replacements
  • 12-15 years battery life
  • Internal antenna. Robust, self-contained unit for tough environments
  • Modern, sleek ergonomic design
  • Small, compact size

Successfully applied in many applications, including those measuring:

  • Tunnel deformation
  • Tunnel heave/settlement
  • Embankment slippage
  • Structural movement
  • Rail track heave/settlement
  • Rail trackbed cant and twist




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Safe and efficient rail operations depend on stable track geometry , and remote monitoring can help you manage the risk of movement in critical areas, such as those affected by nearby construction activity or from the impact of extreme weather


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